Server Status

The Rest In Pieces Online Gaming Team was founded in February 2000. This is a Private Server for [RIP] Members,Family and Friends..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

RIP Castle

Location: X:120, Z:-516
The server spawn point is directly in front of it. 2 rendering lengths SW of TomCat Ranch. 1 length W of Rabid's Cave. 3 lengths NE of the Underwater Base. Builder: Fd13
Organization of materials: lotharbot
RIP Minecraft's first home.

View from the front. Server spawn is about 7 blocks in front of the front door.

View just inside the front door.

The Study. Col. Mustard was here. With the knife. :P

View of the courtyard.

A shot from the top of the observation tower on top of the castle. The minecart tracks lead down to the main mine.

Welcome to any and all RIPpers who wish to try their hand at Minecraft!

1 comment:

  1. One thing I love about this is, as a player just joining the game, you can start out with as much or as little equipment as you want. If you want to immediately start building, grab some materials from inside and do it. If you want to go out and punch some trees and find your own materials and essentially play from scratch, you can do that too.


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