Server Status

The Rest In Pieces Online Gaming Team was founded in February 2000. This is a Private Server for [RIP] Members,Family and Friends..

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Procellarum Base

Location: in the nether, east of the Ranch portal (follow the walkway)

Builder: lotharbot

The campsite. The box is full of grilled fish, pork, eggs, and bread. Missing: beer.

An all-natural mushroom farm. Well, as natural as mushrooms get in the nether.

Some shots for scale. This is a very large cavern.

The view to the southwest.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tranquility Base

Location: in the nether. Enter from the portal southeast of the RIP Fort (in the little hut, towards Rabid's cave) or underneath TomCat Ranch (through the trapdoor under the greenhouse)

Builder: catdarrow

The Tranquility room. A nice, pleasant picnic space in the nether.

The view from the workshop. This is completely safe from ghasts, as they can't see through glass.

The bridge from Tranquility Base to the ranch portal.

The mushroom farm, on top of Tranquility base.

Outside view. The mushroom farm is above; bridge is far left; workshop is bottom left.

Not pictured: tree farm.

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