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The Rest In Pieces Online Gaming Team was founded in February 2000. This is a Private Server for [RIP] Members,Family and Friends..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monster Condo

A cross-sectional view

location: centered at x= -608 z= -1108. Accessible only underground via TomCat Ranch.
concept and design: andrewo_ and lotharbot
builders: lotharbot, catdarrow, andrewo_, _RIP_Rooster

This is an efficient monster killer and loot generator.

There are 28 levels, each shaped like this construction shot. Enemies spawn in the flat areas, wander into the water, and get pushed down the holes into small glass chambers...

... where they are killed, sometimes by the fall, and other times by the lava. All of the loot is pushed to the center of the room by water currents.

This is what it looks like if the center of the tower is invisible. The redstone torches provide an eerie glow on each level (viewable from the central glass-enclosed ladder).

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